Making A Button Box

A while back I was looking into various options for a macro pad or companion device for when using my Huion drawing tablet and most solutions seemed rather expensive or just not quite the form factor or tactile functionality I was looking for.

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What happened to DRT Mobile

The current state of DRT Mobile

DRT Mobile development has currently been suspended. I have chosen to do this after several successful years providing transit goers with Durham Region Transit bus schedules.

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Spear Fishing with Box2D

In Johnny's Island you have to catch fish for food and the fish can also be used for shark bait to distract the sharks when collecting drift wood. The mechanic for catching fish

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The data mining process

Here's a couple screenshots for the curious. This is what an empty database looks like prior to me updating using my DRT Administrator program.

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New Item

Whipped up this little dude in Adobe Flash never know where he'll turn up next. You recognize him?

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